Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Take a Picture - Day 106 - Past few days...

I realized today that it's been almost over a week since I took a picture and blogged.  It didn't even feel like it like it.  Well between the weather, having techincal difficulties with my router, and not feeling well yesterday, that's how the days got away.  But its ok, i've also been working on which photos i'm going to have in my "Orange" exhibit for the month of May in Bergenfield (click on the upcoming show & reception link by the top)

Well here are some shots i did take over the past few days:

Today - Day 106

We recently put up this chandelier in the showroom and I love the way the crystals catch the prisim of colors.

Looking up

With Flash
Without flash

Day 104

Finally was able to get a picture of my brother's cat Freya and the best view of his apt from his Kitchen window in North Bergen (border of Edgewater).

Day 102

Even though the weather was bad it was a day to celebrate as it was my mom's b-day and we got her a cake from my local bakery and loved the purple flowers they put on it.  I love flower frosting!


  1. Love that chandelier - the colors are fantastic! And Freya is a cute kitty, too! I love her name, because that's the name of the character Sharon Tate plays in my favorite movie, "The Wrecking Crew" with Dean Martin. Hilarious! But of course you know I love black kitties as it is, because of Merlin and Banjo. :)

  2. love the cat! Chandeliers - ooooh sparkly! I will miss the Bergenfield show since I will be in Maine. Love the color themes. Easier to do with photography that the brush
