Friday, February 25, 2011

Take a Picture - Day 52 - Gnomocide

This morning since it was raining I switched jackets and as soon as I closed the front door, I realized that I left my keys in my other jacket.  I then called Tom (who just left a few mintues before) and he came back to let me in.  While I was waiting on my porch I noticed face down on the ground next to the steps the gnome who used to be on our steps and must've fallen over and got burried in the snow and has been unearthed again.  The melting snow brings lots of surprises! lol :)


  1. I locked myself out today too (which is odd since I don't usually lock the front door). Thankfully my house is rather easy to break into! Is that your gnome? Did you put him back on the porch?
