Thursday, June 16, 2011

lack of inspiration

I have to say that lately I have not been feeling inspired to take photos, so my "take a picture a day" project has been falling by the wayside (and I really wanted to kinda try to do everyday in June).  It kinda makes me feel like maybe I'm not that good of a photographer as I think I am, but I think artists or anybody in a creative field goes through this in general.

So I was google lack of inspiration to try to find article or tips on what to do and ran across a blog called lack on inspiration where this girl is also doing a photo a day just like me (she started in March). 

So it was nice to see that other people (besides me and Sabrina) are doing the same thing and trying to be inspired everyday! 

Hopefully my inspiration will come back soon!

Lack of Inspiration blog

Sabrina's Blog

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for putting up a link to my blog in your post, Denise! As you said, it is cool to know that there are others taking on this photo-a-day project besides us!

    In regard to your recent lack of inspiration, I also have days that I don't post a photo because I wasn't inspired by the "right" thing, and sometimes I am bothered by it. Lately when this happens I've started giving myself pep talks, reminding myself that there's nothing written in stone saying that I have to post a photo - and if I miss a day or two (or even three or more) it's not going to kill me.
