Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Sebastian Sessions - Take 1

Well yesterday I adopted a cat (my first one) named Sebastian!   He is a short haired white cat with green eyes.  Ever since I saw the fancy feast commercial when I was younger, I've always wanted that type of cat (except I didn't want it to be a Persian cat).

Sebastian is so lovable & loves to be petted.   He is 11 1/2 years old so he is considered a senior cat.  He as abandoned two months ago & left in his carrier & through the microchip that is in him he was traced back to the shelter that he was originally from, the Mt. Pleasant Adoption in East Hanover, NJ.  I'm happy that I get to provide a good home for the golden years of his life!  He is also 18lbs & the shelter told me that he can lose a few pounds which hopefully he can do!

So now I'm venturing into catography and here are my first attempts at it, it is a challenge when your subject is in constant motion (even for a senior cat)!!

He loves this toy a lot!

with cutout of purrfect the cat

he love gnawing at the plant

How cute is that!

1 comment:

  1. You've definitely got me on this one! I think white cats are so incredibly beautiful - as much so as black cats - and I also love the name Sebastian!

    He is certainly a big boy, but with all that playfulness in him yet hopefully he'll drop a few pounds. Love that last pic of him, all played out LOL! :)
